Hello I'm Robert

I’m a Designer, Tech Savvy and a Father.


I was born in New York but grew up in Italy. I studied advertising design and photography in Naples Italy and have been working in graphic design for 20 years. Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of working with a wide range of clients, including both large and small companies.
I specialize in creating unique designs that effectively communicate my clients’ messages. Some of the famous companies and people I’ve worked with include Gagliotta, Casolaro, Ospedale Gesu’ Bambino, Laura Pausini, and Roger Walters, among others. I have also collaborated with clients in the United States, such as BSA Hospital, Texas Tech University Hospital, Prudential, Centricity, and Dock.com.
In 2023, my work on a project called Nido Real Estate was recognized as one of the Best Real Estate Visuals on Design Rush, a platform renowned for promoting exceptional logo designs.

My Skills.


let's connect

Phone : + 1 806 340 2233

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